Tuesday 3 May 2016


Hey readers!!! How are you? For real, how are you doing? I really do hope everyone is doing well.
So, today...I would be sharing with us the *important reasons why we shouldn't quit(y'all know that it's not all reasons or reasoning are *important, yeah?...lol) I'm not hear to ask you not to give up on you or work or spouse or family or whatever you feel is worth giving up on...I'm only here to give and help you understand reasons why you shouldn't quit or give-up!!! 
I know sometimes, it feels like nothing is working, it just feels like we've tried so many options and nothing just seems to work!
 I was inspired to write about this topic, because I can duhhh!(what were you thinking....lol)...Back to being serious, I was actually inspired to write this because I've been in situations where I had no other choice than to quit or give up.....emmmh, lie, I had a choice! I just did the easier thing.....I QUITTED!  So, I actually started thinking to myself, "I'm not the only one going through this and that there are many people who have gone through something similar or/and worse and they didn't  give up" Yes, don't think for a second that you're the only one going through a particular situation.
    I mean. there are a few BILLIONS of humans in this planet, you won't be the first nor last, and you have to have this at the back of your mind, okay?...lol, it's not that  serious, Oby...calm down.
I'm not innocent, have given up  on a few things in my life and I had to start all over again just after I found out it wasn't the best option...I would like us to take a few secs to ask ourselves, What could have been the reasons you ended up quitting?. I always come up with excuses why I end up quitting on something. Probably you're just like me with my flimsy excuses below.
Most times, I give up or quit on something because of either one or more of the  following:
  • It's always the easiest way out. Most times, I don't need to explain to anyone. So cool, so easy.
  • ....cos it seemed so difficult to achieve....I'm lazy sometimes.
  • ....at one point or another, I quitted cos I didn't get any encouragement I may or may not have needed
  • ....cos a couple of people tried and failed. 
 So now that I'm done with giving flimsy excuses/reasons why I may have quitted or given up(I would be using these two words interchangeably, okay?), may we proceed to reasons I think we shouldn't give up on something important, could be our dreams/ambitions.

Top 4 REASONS Why You Shouldn't QUIT/GIVE-UP  

  1. YOU!!!!   Who would benefit at the end of the day?- You. Who would be happy at the end?- You. You should be your own motivation, you should always strive to be better than you of yesterday, that's my motto! Don't be relaxed, nothing good comes easy dear! Hard-work pays! You can't expect an obese person to tone down without motivation, hard-work, discipline and positivity. Have you watched the sprinters in a race? You think it's easy running a few kilometers and not wanting to stop at some point to take water or relax the muscles? This life is like a marathon, you either win or lose. What are you afraid of? Losing?? You think you will be the first to lose? You think the top people in the society have never lost?  Dear, to be successful, you have to stumble over some huddles..these huddles are failures. Don't give up because a few have failed or cos you failed, no one wants to hear you rant on how you would have made it had it been for a setback. Make your setback a setback for sucess....(you feel me?....lol) This brings me to the next point....   


  2. THOSE that BELIEVE IN YOU!!! You've seen the runners/sprinters/footballers when they're running/playing....you've also seen the spectators on the other side, watching and cheering whoever they want to win. These spectators, better put this way, Supporters, they're obviously not there for decoration. They're there to encourage these athletes to keep going and not to give up halfway. This relates to us in reality, there are people who believe in us and look up to us. Our loved ones who believe in us should inspire us not to quit. Our foes also believe in us to fail, they also should inspire us....this brings me to my next point... 


  3. THOSE that WANT to see YOU FAIL/QUIT!!! You really need to prove them right? Those who have never believed in you, they are the main spectators in your life. They don't wish you well, some are enemies pretending to be friends. You sure do NEED to prove this enemies of progress WRONG...don't give them the satisfaction they want. Don't QUIT!

  4. GOD is no QUITTER!!! As children of God, as a Christian...you should know that your GOD ain't no QUITTER. He didn't quit on David nor Sampson nor Joseph. Need I remind you that God didn't quit on Saul(later changed to Paul)...he was quite terrible, a lost cause. Remember Mary Magdalene(the ex-prostitute)-Jesus didn't give up on her even when every other person did? Did you also remember the Shunammite woman(didn't give up on her dead son and God) Lazarus, remember him?(he was dead for awhile, buried, Jesus didn't give up on him) If you're a bit familiar with the bible, you'll find out that most people God  used were failures of different aspects in life. David(the murderer and adulterer), Paul(Murderer), Moses(Stammerer, inarticulate and complex),  Esther(the orphan..basically a nobody). Jesus himself didn't QUIT on himself folks!!! Don't give up on God...He's not even ready to give up on you, not now...not tomorrow!!!  What's your excuse on giving up on a friend? 


    You should learn (how) to be your biggest cheerleader, the moment you start yearning for people to validate you...that's the moment you stop being YOU! (Yours truly, Oby Como)

     pictures from google...

     That's the end...thanks for reading...See you soon!