Saturday 26 September 2015

Top Essentials a MAN should have

Hello people, it's been awhile...I know. I was down for about a week or so but I'm better, stronger and healthier now. But then, school has started and I have to study and pass plus there's really a lot going on in my life right now so I will be posting once in awhile. But not to worry, there are a couple of articles sent to me by my loyal and lovely readers so I'll always publish them if I find them fit.

So today, we will be talking about the essentials a proper man should have. A few of my readers said that I don't involve guys as much as I do for girls, emmmh; but I'm a Okay back to the topic, a *proper man.....I don't know if proper is the best word but it would do for now. Would have used *responsible but these days,  that word is so redundant, so, *proper would do for now!

Before I go any further, I would like to thank those of you who wrote me concerning me blogging and how you've missed my posts, I'm grateful cos I probably wouldn't have thought of blogging today if not for those messages so THANK YOU! Again, back to the topic, I would like to remind us that there's a difference between a boy and a man. Here, I'm not even trying to talk about age all has to do with the mind and we would get to the details in my next post.

So ladies and gentlemen, the qualities below should be what you should look out for in a man, handsome face and nice swag won't feed you. These days, ladies fail to look beyond the present, as far as you're buying assorted biscuits and drinks, you're the man! Smh but not to worry, all these would change after you're done reading this article....I hope so!
  •  WISDOM and CASH;  aka common sense, the ability to discern or judge what is true. We all should know that common sense is not "common". This is why a guy would still be living in his friend's or parents' house without any tangible job or investment but as soon as he hits this jackpot with $5000, he buys a car of $4500 and squanders the remaining money on social life. how dumb could it get?  Girls these days prefer the flashy life, so guys want  to keep up. Even the bible made us to understand that "wisdom and money can get you almost anything but only wisdom can save your life" Eccl 7:12. So ladies, choose carefully....Guys, be wise!
  • RESPECT; Some guys lack respect. They have no regard for anyone including you. They think with money, you're at their beck&call....some ladies don't mind, provided that you care for their needs and all, then you're good to go. Sorry, not for me!!! And this is how he would disgrace you in front of your friends and family. You think he would change when you two get married and kids are involved, hell-to-the-freaking-NO!!! Boo, he would hit you even in front of the kids and send you home if you ever challenge him, after all, you never did while you two were dating/courting so why should you do so now??
  • GOOD-LOOKING/LOOKS; Now, I'm not talking about a handsome face or nice body and all. An example; You're from a humble background, a responsible home and you want to bring back a tout with sagged jeans, open shirt, tattoos even on face, all types of jewelries for your parents to see and approve. What is this, Christmas goat? Who says looks don't matter, it does! Look for a responsible man, not someone you would be walking with and you would be restless because of the policemen around. Get someone you know you would be proud of if your son grew up to become just like him.
  • SPEECH, ATTITUDE and MANNERS; If you're  lacking these, we can never be friends, not now- not tomorrow, it's just a deal breaker mehn. Let's be real, if a guy lacks manners and has a very bad attitude, he would miss so many good opportunities in life. I can't deal, it just doesn't go well for me and those kind of guys. The worst of all, you can't change them! They are always very stubborn and think they know can change someone's looks but not these set of people. They were born this way, this is their, it's no that serious.
  • CHARISMA and PERSONALITY; I'm usually attracted to anyone with strong personality and charisma. I already blogged about it but in this case, I was referring to the ladies. Click here to read Essentials a Lady must have
  •  KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD; Finally, He doesn't believe in God? Too bad.  I don't think any believer would want to end up in this path. I don't think I should make more emphasis on this.

Hope you enjoyed
Have a lovely day....and see you soon!!!!

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