Saturday 5 December 2015

AUTUMN in the AIR part 1

My Autumn Look

Hello readers!! I'm so excited I'm blogging today, I've been extra busy with school and all. I know it seems easy but it's not!! Well, what matters is that I'm here now(for awhile though)

So today I'll be showing my autumn look...I dressed to church in this outfit, so comfy and elegant...

Hope you love the mild goth makeup by me!!

Coat; Stradivarius
Jumpsuit; Zara
Boot; Stradivarius
Bag; Zara

Hope you enjoyed your scroll through my blog....see you soon

From Scott's Desk...the Women Categories

Hey People, this article is from one of my readers. I told y'all that I won't be posting my originals except when I'm free.
So here, Scott has an interesting article for the ladies..I may not agree with everything he's saying but I do understand where he's coming from. I laughed most of the time.
From Scott's desk; Women all over the world fall roughly into different categories. While most women have features of a particular group, others share qualities of more than one. 

1. The Truly Engaged
Trust me, if you see them you'll know. Most of them, if not all, always go around with their rings. While chatting with her, she notices when you're 5km away to touching the soft spot of her heart,
immediately no matter how cute you are, her replies are no longer frequent. She hardly reply you. Most times, she changes her DP flashing her engagement ring. That's telling you, Back Off! I respect that!

2. The Heart Broken
These set of ladies are everywhere.. Most times, the reason is because they look out for the wrong things in a man. Their friends are not helping matters too- they all discuss guys with the latest cars, wears, houses; MUNDANE THINGS! This lady would see a decent guy though struggling/hustling to survive but comfortable, who loves her and would want something serious with her and what does this girl do? She dates him while cheating on him with Mr. Big-boy or maybe she didn't date him but rather friend-zoned him. The hustling guy discovers, leaves her. The Big boy has other girlfriends, she discovers, feel cheated and walks away. Now, she feels she's heart broken(it's nemesis, my dear) Worse, she comes to the social media and say, 'All Guys are the same' Very funny! Miss Heart Broken becomes repulsive towards guys. Her past experience was painful...Well, whose fault?
My Autumn look....coming soon. Stay tuned

3. Single And Welcoming
She is always nice and kindhearted You will not hear her say harsh words to guys. She just wants a guy who would love her and not toy with her heart, perhaps Godly. I guess, parental influence has its toll on her.

4. Relationship COMPLICATED
This type often have her standards she has created for her ideal man and trust me, she is no where close to that. You see her most of the times walking down with different guys and
you wonder, This chick has a long list of suitors. Yes, she has. Most times, she has a not-so-nice temperament. (Whether pretty or not). She has a
bad temper and doesn't know how to curb it. On social networks, quote her and she rants heaven and earth, calling you names. That kind of girl is a
bomb going to a guy's life to happen; the plenty guys sees it and stylishly walks away. She doesn't understand. She even goes spiritual (That's not the way tho), be patient with others. Start sticking your neck for "strangers". Quit selfishness.

5. Middle Of Nowhere

This is not being the previous. This kind of girl is mostly a "girl girl". She is just growing but wants that to happen in a hurry. She might have a "good body" but she is still a "child". Sincerely,
they are in every social network. That's the kind four friends in one hostel are sleeping with. She is just a Learner. Hers is a step above being complicated. Have you watched the movie, LOST?
She is Lost. Her type on Social network always use very "strong" and offensive language when angry. She hates the word, "Love". Some of them believe in love but in a nonexistent form. At 20,
she is FULLY AWARE, if you know what I mean.

My Advice: Quit all those sexual involvements you call Relationship by all means.

6. The Single And Desperate

I do encourage this set of ladies to keep being focused by being and developing themselves and making good use of their time preparing to be a wife indeed. You see, those that revolt my candid words believe they can force a guy to love them and get into relationships with them through indulging in the following:

A. Trapping him with pregnancy.
B. Going unclad with an aim of enticing.
C. Going out with married men.
D. Enticing their friend's boyfriend etc.
The desperate type on Social network don't have patience. They discover you're upcoming and visionary, they delete you, fast! No time! Desperation blindfolds! Sister Patience, be patient!

I think Scott is trying to say that these type of girls don't have  time to waste on guys who aren't already

7. The Flirty Flirts

I believe, you need an extra skill to detect this category of girls...these girls would drain the precious life out of your "battery". You can call them "Delilah" because they're subtle and cunning. They may not necessarily ask for cash but they get so affectionate with you, making you think you've won gold...She laughs easily; rolls on you simply; smiles sweetly; care-free and homely, BUT her heart wanders widely.
....The End....
Article by Micheal Scott
The subtitle of each category is just funny especially *middle of no-where*...I mean, who says that, lol.
I asked him to send a picture of himself so that we can get to see the face behind this funny article....he's yet to send it, lol.
Hope you enjoyed the article.....hope to see you soon!

Friday 4 December 2015

AUTUMN in the AIR part 2

PS:  this was blogged awhile ago, just never posted it. 

Hello Everyone...hope y'all are having a nice day.
Here's my next autumn look, I dressed like this to church....hope you like the outfit plus my new hairstyle, unfortunately, it didn't last up to 3 days(I wasn't brave enough to carry it to school lol)

Here, enjoy...

Coat; Stradivarius
Every other wear is Zara
Hope you enjoyed your stroll through this post...see you soon.
Have a lovely week!

Saturday 26 September 2015

Top Essentials a MAN should have

Hello people, it's been awhile...I know. I was down for about a week or so but I'm better, stronger and healthier now. But then, school has started and I have to study and pass plus there's really a lot going on in my life right now so I will be posting once in awhile. But not to worry, there are a couple of articles sent to me by my loyal and lovely readers so I'll always publish them if I find them fit.

So today, we will be talking about the essentials a proper man should have. A few of my readers said that I don't involve guys as much as I do for girls, emmmh; but I'm a Okay back to the topic, a *proper man.....I don't know if proper is the best word but it would do for now. Would have used *responsible but these days,  that word is so redundant, so, *proper would do for now!

Before I go any further, I would like to thank those of you who wrote me concerning me blogging and how you've missed my posts, I'm grateful cos I probably wouldn't have thought of blogging today if not for those messages so THANK YOU! Again, back to the topic, I would like to remind us that there's a difference between a boy and a man. Here, I'm not even trying to talk about age all has to do with the mind and we would get to the details in my next post.

So ladies and gentlemen, the qualities below should be what you should look out for in a man, handsome face and nice swag won't feed you. These days, ladies fail to look beyond the present, as far as you're buying assorted biscuits and drinks, you're the man! Smh but not to worry, all these would change after you're done reading this article....I hope so!
  •  WISDOM and CASH;  aka common sense, the ability to discern or judge what is true. We all should know that common sense is not "common". This is why a guy would still be living in his friend's or parents' house without any tangible job or investment but as soon as he hits this jackpot with $5000, he buys a car of $4500 and squanders the remaining money on social life. how dumb could it get?  Girls these days prefer the flashy life, so guys want  to keep up. Even the bible made us to understand that "wisdom and money can get you almost anything but only wisdom can save your life" Eccl 7:12. So ladies, choose carefully....Guys, be wise!
  • RESPECT; Some guys lack respect. They have no regard for anyone including you. They think with money, you're at their beck&call....some ladies don't mind, provided that you care for their needs and all, then you're good to go. Sorry, not for me!!! And this is how he would disgrace you in front of your friends and family. You think he would change when you two get married and kids are involved, hell-to-the-freaking-NO!!! Boo, he would hit you even in front of the kids and send you home if you ever challenge him, after all, you never did while you two were dating/courting so why should you do so now??
  • GOOD-LOOKING/LOOKS; Now, I'm not talking about a handsome face or nice body and all. An example; You're from a humble background, a responsible home and you want to bring back a tout with sagged jeans, open shirt, tattoos even on face, all types of jewelries for your parents to see and approve. What is this, Christmas goat? Who says looks don't matter, it does! Look for a responsible man, not someone you would be walking with and you would be restless because of the policemen around. Get someone you know you would be proud of if your son grew up to become just like him.
  • SPEECH, ATTITUDE and MANNERS; If you're  lacking these, we can never be friends, not now- not tomorrow, it's just a deal breaker mehn. Let's be real, if a guy lacks manners and has a very bad attitude, he would miss so many good opportunities in life. I can't deal, it just doesn't go well for me and those kind of guys. The worst of all, you can't change them! They are always very stubborn and think they know can change someone's looks but not these set of people. They were born this way, this is their, it's no that serious.
  • CHARISMA and PERSONALITY; I'm usually attracted to anyone with strong personality and charisma. I already blogged about it but in this case, I was referring to the ladies. Click here to read Essentials a Lady must have
  •  KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD; Finally, He doesn't believe in God? Too bad.  I don't think any believer would want to end up in this path. I don't think I should make more emphasis on this.

Hope you enjoyed
Have a lovely day....and see you soon!!!!

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Disclaimer; Pictures used for this post are not mine and would be stated if otherwise

Thursday 30 July 2015


Hey...hope y'all are doing great. So  today, I will be blogging my look from 2 days ago. Went for shopping with my friends. The weather was terrible, it was so hot and sunny but the pictures came out good. I want to thank my awesome photographer, Jossy for the nice pictures and some poses which I'll never upload(they were hilarious) 90% of the time, we laughed, the poses were something else, you will be glad I didn't post them. You can book an appointment with her(via instagram @josephine_gbayan)
I hate to announce that I won't be blogging in the next two days cos I would be very busy but don't worry, would come back with more great and juicy topics(you can also inbox me on possible topics you may want me to blog about, my contact is below)

Here are the pictures, enjoy your scroll!

I Love this head wear

To get a natural toned skin, visit Narural skin oils for dark skin for details

Occasion; Casual/ Day wear
Shoes; from Zara
Top; from Zara
Blue purse/bag; from Zara
Shorts; from Stradivarius
Head-wear; from Stradivarius

Thanks for visiting and see you soon...have a lovely day!

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